

Competence at this level will enable learners to participate effectively in oral/signed communication in most situations.

Learners at this level are aware of their audiences and purposes for communication. They listen effectively and critically. They are able to identify or adopt the style and language register required in different situations. They can usually identify the assumptions and inferences in what people say/sign. They speak/sign fluently and confidently in both formal and familiar settings and can articulate their purpose and meaning clearly. They can use language to convey detailed information, and to express their ideas and feelings. They control complex sentence structures and language conventions in their spoken/signed communications.

At the end of this course, the learner will be capable of:

Respond critically yet sensitively as a listener/audience.

Analyse own responses to spoken/signed texts and adjust as required.

Use strategies to be an effective speaker/signer in sustained oral/signed interactions.

Evaluate spoken/signed discourse.



Competent at NQF level 3